Hollywood Book Reviews – Electra

One of the more fascinating aspects of history comes from the impact it has on our modern world. While much of our study in this regard has always come from the near past (from the sixteenth century to the 20th century respectfully), the impact of ancient cultures and empires also helps to illustrate how far we’ve come, and yet how often we are doomed to repeat past mistakes in a more updated setting. Read more


US Review of Books – Electra

The duality of feminine and masculine energies has been prevalent since the beginning of time, but it has never been as magnified as it is within the prism of mythology. In Casper's work, audiences have the opportunity to explore and break down the numerous variations of the Greek tragedy, Electra, as they pertain to the passionate and free feminine metaphor juxtaposed with the male metaphor of control and order. Read more


Pacific Book Review – Electra

At one point or another in our lives, someone or something has had an influence on us in a way which was unique. Whether it is our favorite celebrities, a beloved family member, or a terrifying stranger, something that person said, or did, influenced us and our lives, and played a role in our development as a whole. This has been the subject of many a psychologist over the years, and has led to some breakthrough psychological studies. Read more